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Ed Code 221.9

Athletic Census

School Name
TOTAL School Enrollment BOYS
TOTAL School Enrollment GIRLS
TOTAL participate in competitive athletics BOYS
TOTAL participate in competitive athletics GIRLS
TOTAL boys' and girls' teams, classified by sport and by competition level
Percentage Boys
Percentage Girls
2021-2022 Amador Valley 1395 1287 706 573 Varsity: 778 JV: 348 Frosh: 153 50.50% 55%
2022-2023 Amador Valley 1397 1234 748 557 Varsity: 776 JV: 386 Frosh: 143 53% 45%
2023-2024  Amador   Valley 1370 1224 698 561 Varsity: 763 JV: 364 Frosh: 132 51% 46%