Voluntary Donations
Voluntary donations made to Amador Valley High School Athletics are used to fund the coaches’ stipends, referee fees and transportation where applicable. An additional donation can be made to Boosters to help cover trainer fees, tournaments, equipment, etc. Voluntary donations are asked of each player to help fund these valuable programs as well as to support our Amador Valley Athletic Boosters. No student will be denied participation in athletics if no donation is provided. However, without your generous support, many athletics programs at Amador Valley would be unable to continue.
Any voluntary athletic donation for sports may be turned in at the time of registration with paperwork to the Activities Desk. Sports Donations can be tendered by check only prior to the teams being finalized and by cash, check, credit card or online using the Amador MSB Webstore after the rosters have been completed. Most parents will already have a My School Bucks account from prior years, but a new account can always be made. Athletic donations can be found under Amador Valley items, and once your item is selected it will promt you to enter in your student's name. There is no processing fee incurred by parents/donators when contributing through the MSB Webstore. Checks are to be made out to AVHS.