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24 Hours Attendance Line: (925) 461-6186


Attending class regularly and being on time has a direct effect on a student’s academic success in meeting course requirements for high school graduation. We ask parents to encourage their students to be present and punctual everyday, unless they are ill, and to schedule vacations during student non-attendance days. Dialer calls go out each night as a parent reminder for students who have not been excused prior to the office closing each day or who have been tardy to one or more classes.

Please call to excuse your student’s absence promptly. District policy states the following: “Absences due to illness and medical appointments are considered excused absences as long as the school receives a phone call and/or documentation from a parent or guardian clearing the absence within 72 hours of the occurrence. Failure to excuse the absence may result in notification of Truancy letters, a School Attendance Review Team (SART) meeting with a Child Welfare and Attendance Specialist and school staff, or a referral to the School Attendance Review Board (SARB).”